Classes resume from Monday 6 January


10am to 11:30am, Online via Zoom

6pm to 7:30pm @ Sharrow Performing Arts Space, S11 8AE MAP


10am to 11:30am @ The Aum Room OR Outdoors in Nether Edge

6:45pm to 8:15pm, @ Sharrow Performing Arts Space, S11 8AE MAP


6pm to 7:30pm, @ Sharrow Performing Arts Space, S11 8AE MAP
AND online via Zoom

Sound Bath Timetable 2025

Join us on one of our special sound bath classes, where we explore 45 minutes of postural yoga followed by Mark our sound healer taking us on a magikal journey of soundscapes using percussion and gongs. There is intention and purpose behind the dates chosen for these classes as they connect to both the Celtic and lunar calendars. These classes are super popular so booking early would be highly recommended.  

Tuesday 14 January, 6-7:30pm, Full Moon
Sunday 2 February, 6-7:30pm, Waxing Lunar Imbolc
Thursday 20 March, 6:45-8:15pm, Waning Lunar Spring Equinox

Tuesday 15 April, 6-7:30pm, Waning Moon
Thursday 1 May, 6:45-8:15pm, Waxing Lunar Beltane
Sunday 22 June, 6-7:30pm, Waning Lunar Summer Solstice

Thursday 24 July, 6:45-8:15pm, Dark Moon Lammas
Sunday 21 Sept, 6-7:30pm, Dark Lunar Autumn Equinox & World Peace Day
Tuesday 21 October, 6-7:30pm, Dark Lunar Samhain

Thursday 11 November, 6:45-8:15pm, Dark Moon

Yuletide classes: Sunday 14, Tuesday 16 (both classes 6-7:30pm) and Thursday 18 December (6:45-8:15pm)

Looking for prices? Visit our Pricing page.

Some Photos of Classes in the Performing Arts Space