Welcome to Yoga For Everyday People
Having researched the internet, yoga magazines, DVDs, books and more we were pretty much fed up with not being able to find people like you and me practicing yoga. Hence the birth of Yoga for Everyday People or YEP for short. Here on YEP you will find short video clips where we focus on a particular theme or yoga practice and we give step by step instructions of how to explore that theme or practice. Feel free to combine the videos according to your needs to create your own customised yoga class. There are also some full-length (90 minute) classes on here. We apologise for the poor quality filming of the first few episodes, we were still experimenting at that stage and using a poor quality camera, the picture quality improves later on! Watch our Intro video here.
PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you first watch Episode 2, our Health Disclaimer, or scroll down the page to read our written Health Disclaimer, before you go on to do any of the other videos.
ONE FINAL WARNING! You will not find any acrobatics, contortions or tiny, tiny hot shorts here! We hope you enjoy the clips...
Episode 1: Introduction
Episode 2: Health Disclaimer
Episode 3: Rock da Pelvis, Back Health and Bridge Pose
Episode 4: Rock da Pelvis, Back Health & Cat Pose
Episode 5: Standing Forward & Backward Bends
Episode 6: EBR1 for Maintaining Optimum Health of the Back
Episode 7: How to Sit for Meditation
Episode 8: EBR1 in less than 8 minutes
Episode 9: Sequence for Personal Empowerment
Episode 10: Gluteus Medius Strengthening
Episode 11: Butt Strengthening Exercises
Episode 12: Mobilising the Nervous System and Back
Or, see our Audio Recordings page for even more home practices!
Disclaimer: Please read before doing any of these practices at home...
Before undertaking any type of exercise, including yoga, it is important to listen intelligently to the needs of your body!! The techniques and suggestions presented on Yoga for Everyday People are not intended to be a substitute for proper medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. Yoga Nature assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques. If you are pregnant, have any chronic or recurring conditions such as high blood pressure, neck or back pain, arthritis, heart disease, and so on, seek the advice of your physician or a highly trained yoga teacher or both before practicing to determine necessary precautions. If you are unsure whether you should be practicing yoga then please consult your physician or highly trained yoga teacher or both of these people. In a nutshell, if anything causes you discomfort or aggravates an injury you have then don’t do it. Yoga is not a competition, yoga is about learning to honour the needs of our bodies by connecting to our body's innate wisdom and listening to it. There are always alternative ways to do poses and some poses may be best avoided. Remember... 'when in doubt, leave it out'... until you talk to your GP or yoga teacher.
Happy practicing! Jo and Ben